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Jumat, 30 September 2016

Download Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery Professional 6 0 0 1

Download Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery Professional
 Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery Professional merupakan software komputer yang berfungsi untuk mengembalikan data yang terhapus, baik itu foto, video, dokument maupun file yang lain. Software ini sangat ampuh sekali untuk mengembalikan data yang tidak sengaja maupun yang sengaja dihapus. Sangat penting untuk memiliki aplikasi seperti ini.

 Bagi yang sebagian orang, baik yang memiliki komputer maupun tidak tentu jika ada file penting yang terhapus entah itu di flshdisk, memory atau yang lainnya yang dalam bentuk maya tentu ingin bisa mengembalikanya, sehingga para pakar tehnologi yang bergerak dalam bidang perangkat lunak membuat software yang mampu mengembalikan data yang terhapus. Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery adalah jawaban untuk yang ingin mengembalikan file. Software ini haruslah dimiliki oleh para pengunak komputer karena memliki peran  yang penting meski tidak selalu dibutuhkan, bisa untuk berjaga-jaga saja jika terjadi sesuatu pada file kita.

Download Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery Professional
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Download Free Game Prince of Persia The Two Thrones Full version Torrent Link Download

To appease the lowbrow demands of 100 million casual gamers unwilling to spend cash for Ubisofts brilliant Sands of Time game, the company took Warrior Within into the more digestible realm of "action" and away from the realm of "thinking-mans platformer."

Swords and shadows! Dirt and "bitches!" Warrior was to be Ubis sinister, consumer friendly modification of the fundamental Sands mechanics that were ever so thrilling and critically acclaimed. But despite best efforts and a healthy dose of hard rocking, Warrior Within cheesily fell short of the amazingly high bar its predecessor set. In trying to appeal to more folks by lining the game with more stuff, much of the original magic was lost. Indeed, an excess of scantily clad women, shadowy beasts and heavy riffs made Warrior Within ordinary, for when all is dark and grimy, even the dark and grimy become bright. A good rule of thumb is to understand when one more stroke is too many and when an excess of magic is drab.

Sadly, it seemed back then that a title of Sands of Times caliber would just not come, given the new path laid down by Warrior Within for the Prince series. Boy does it ever feel good to be wrong! Im dazzled. Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones is Sands of Time reborn.

Music, art, acting, acrobatics...story! Each universally applauded part of Ubisofts first marvelous foray into the Sands of Time trilogy has been recreated here with care and cunning, save for the scarred and craggy, battle-hardened face of our champion. And yet, while this third game offers so much indisputable greatness, it still grips tight to the failing philosophies of Warrior Within in just enough key areas. Two Thrones also suffers slightly from an imposing holiday deadline and the preposterously lofty expectations fans of Sands carry with them at all times.

Narrated now by the somber and knowing Empress of Time in a way that neatly ties the end of Two Thrones to the beginning of Sands, this Princes journey begins much like Warrior Within or Shadow and Flame, in sea and turmoil. Approaching his home port of Babylon with Empress Kaileena under arm and the Dahaka defeated, the Prince looks forward to rest and comfort, though the smoking ruin of his city will give him none. With his land besieged, his vessel burned, his woman bound, and his house in ruin, the Prince sets out to free his love, reveal his enemy, punish his rivals, and put his home to rights. But even champions are subject to the whims of fate. Along the way the Prince will encounter old friends, older relations and new foes. His story will unwind backward and at once spring forward into a climatic choice between light and dark -- the Two Thrones, one of self-serving indulgence and personal achievement, and the other of unbridled heroism despite consequence.

Reforming the Prince into his original shape was a bloody good idea! Genteel as he is, Yuri Lowenthals Prince of Persia in The Sands of Time is far preferable to Warrior Withins Wolverine Clone #818. The gruff, self-serving madman who sought to stop the Empresss Sands at any cost was not the young royal plagued by distrust and delusions of glory we all loved. #818 was simply out of place in such a fairytale. Being back in Yuris shoes just feels right.

Ubisoft also expertly balances Yuris third Prince between two lines of starkly contrasting motivation, or the two thrones. Throughout the course of this adventure, the Prince must decide whats truly important. He must confront his Dark self as it struggles to gain a foothold on his conscious and he must also fess up to past crimes and move past them regardless of hardship, while listening to awesome music.

By linearly forcing the game on a railroad ride to an inevitable conclusion, and not focusing on the paradoxical "Superman can now fly around the Earth backward real fast" time traveling mechanic to undo old problems and create new ones, Ubi has done away with backtracking and also recaptured the sense of urgency and achievement that were so prevalent in Sands.


Download Game Prince of Persia : The Two Thrones
Download Free Game Prince of Persia : The Two Thrones Full version Torrent Link Download

 Cara Download :
-klik GET THIS TORRENT(gambar magnet merah)
-jika kamu baru pertama mendownload menggunakan TORRENT, kamu harus mendownload TORRENT FILEnya dulu untuk mendownload TORRENT FILEnya, klik GET TORRENT FILE(gambar panah bawah berwarna hijau) kemudian install TORRENT FILEnya
-setelah selesai menginstal TORRENT FILEnya, klik GET THIS TORRENT(gambar magnet merah)
untuk mendownload gamenya
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Kamis, 29 September 2016

Cheats The Sims 2 PS2 Terbaru Bahasa Indonesia

The Sims 2 Cheats PS2 Terlengkap

Pertama-tama kamu harus mengaktifkan GNOME Code untuk mengaktifkan code yang lainnya, Tekan : L1, R1, Atas, X, R2

Jika sudah mengaktifkan kode di atas, akan ditandai dengan bunyi dari sims atau ada sebuah benda di halaman seperti thropy dekat kotak surat. Jika anda klik tidak akan menimbulkan efek apapun, jadi anda harus memasukan kode di bawah ini : 


  • 9,999 Simoleons (Cheat Uang) Tekan :  R1, L1, R2, Kanan, Kiri ( Mengaktifkannya pada saat game berlangsung bukan di start mode) dan tekan/berinteraksilah pada GNOME pada halaman dekat kotak pesan tadi dan pilih "Give Simoleons"
  • Full Motives Tekan : Atas, Bulat, Atas, Kanan, L2 ( Mengaktifkannya pada saat game berlangsung bukan di start mode) dan tekan/berinteraksilah pada GNOME pada halaman dekat kotak pesan tadi dan pilih "Fill All Motives"
  • Semua Tempat Terbuka Tekan : Bulat, L2, Kiri, Bulat, Atas, Bulat ( Mengaktifkannya pada saat game berlangsung bukan di start mode) dan tekan/berinteraksilah pada GNOME pada halaman dekat kotak pesan tadi dan pilih "Unlock All Location"
  • Memajukan Waktu 6 Jam Tekan : Bulat, Kotak, L1, Atas, Bawah ( Mengaktifkannya pada saat game berlangsung bukan di start mode) dan tekan/berinteraksilah pada GNOME pada halaman dekat kotak pesan tadi dan pilih "Advance 6 Hours"
  • Pengaturan Skill Tekan : Segitiga, Bulat, Kotak, R2, Kiri  ( Mengaktifkannya pada saat game berlangsung bukan di start mode) dan tekan/berinteraksilah pada GNOME pada halaman dekat kotak pesan tadi didalam pengaturan skill ini kalian bisa mengatur skill logic, mechanical, cooking dll. lalu pilih level 1-10 sesuai keinginan anda.
  • Semua Objek Terbuka, Tekan : L2, Bulat, Bawah, Kiri, Atas ( Mengaktifkannya pada saat game berlangsung bukan di start mode) dan tekan/berinteraksilah pada GNOME pada halaman dekat kotak pesan tadi dan pilih "Unlock All Objects"
  • Semua Resep Terbuka, Tekan : R2, Kotak, Atas, Bawah, Kanan, X  ( Mengaktifkannya pada saat game berlangsung bukan di start mode) dan tekan/berinteraksilah pada GNOME pada halaman dekat kotak pesan tadi dan pilih "Unlock All Recipes"
  • Semua Fashion atau Pakaian Terbuka, Tekan : Kotak, R2, Bawah, Kanan, Kotak ( Mengaktifkannya pada saat game berlangsung bukan di start mode) dan tekan/berinteraksilah pada GNOME pada halaman dekat kotak pesan tadi dan pilih "Unlock All Fashion"

Begitulah kira-kira cheats The sims 2 yang bisa kalian masukan, dan jika kalian menemukan cheats yang lainnya tolong berkomentar dan berikan saran anda.

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Download Pc Games Stronghold Legends FULL VERSION


Unlike the previous Stronghold titles, Legends gives the player a choice of different starting rulers with different troop types (including King Arthur and his knights of the round table, Count Vlad Dracul, and Siegfried of Xanten). Other new features include cooperative multiplayer against computer-controlled opponents and the choice between different gameplay options for online play (Deathmatch, King of the Hill, Economic War, and Capture the Flag).

Recommended System Requirements 

OS: Windows 2000/XP 
2GHz Processor 
128MB DirectX compatible Video Card with Pixel and Vertex Shaders 
DirectX compatible Sound Card 
CD-ROM Drive 
2.5GB Hard Disk Space 
DirectX 9.0c

Download Link (1.5 Gb) "update link on 2014" 
Download Stronghold: Legends (FULL VERSION) 
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Rabu, 28 September 2016

Point Blank Offline tested

berikut ini adalah Point blank offline yang sudah saya test sendiri, maaf ya artikel ini berbahasa indonesia karena banyaknya yang harus di jelasin jadinya kasian nanti buat yang ga ngerti installnya egh pas baca tutorialnya bahasa inggris makin ga ngerti aja hahahaha.

ok mungkin buat agan agan semua, nganggep PB offline yang saya share ini adalah CS 1.6 yang udah di modif jadi mirip PB ( ane termasuk ) tapi sebenernya salah, ini emang bener bener point blank online yang dirubah jadi offline, buat yang masih bingung monggo baca kelanjutan tulisan ini, jangan langsung loncat ke link downloadnya aja biar ngerti.

jadi sebenernya point blank ini emang bener bener offline, tanpa harus terkoneksi dengan internet, dan kita mainnya sama BOT, jadi kita mainnya di A.I mode ( mungkin buat yang udah lama main PB tau apa itu A.I mode )

nah dan sebenernya lagi game PB ini, file clientnya ( file masternya ) dari russia ( jadi maaf aja kalau PBnya bahasa russia ) yang jadi kita buat server sendiri di komputer, ya walaupun pake bahasa russia ada kelebihannya yaitu banyak senjata senjata yang belum keluar di PB indonesia, dan yang pasti mainin game ini ga perlu pake cash :v kita bebas milih senjata/karakter/item dll secara gratis, jadi semua senjata udah ada di inventori kita :D

ya install PB offline ini sebenernya susah susah gampang, kalau emang udah ngerti gimana gimananya pasti gampang ( ya pasti :v ) kalau blm ngerti ya pasti susah, ok deh ga usah banyak cingcong ga jelas lagi, langsung aja ke link download + cara installnya

kalau mau main Point blank ini, berikut ini adalah alat sama filenya :
file server + Database v1.7
Download file Client ( Rusia Client )
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
( kalau mau download, daftar dulu )
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
pass : private

karena banyak senjata, sound, map yang error, berikut ini patch/packnya
Oroch - i3core Dev Team
password : Oroch - i3core Dev Team
Download for 64bit here
Download for 32bit here
navicat 8.0.18_mysql_en.rar
PB Client IP Editor : Download here
PB Launcher v1.4 : download here

Berikut ini video tutorial cara install + setting PB offlinenya :

teks tutorial install credit nanotech 59
Peralatan: JDK latest version (x64=64bit or x86=32bit sesuaikan kompi), mysql-5.5.29-win32/64 (sesuaikan kompi agan), navicat 8.0.18_mysql_en.rar, PBServerDBi3corev17, lwsi_En.rar (sudah diedit ke, PB Launcher v1.4 (taruh di folder PointBlankPTS)
Ane ambil dari forum idws dengan sedikit modif credit to dexterc2r instal jdk 7 update 11 pke nama folder jre7 instal java di folder jre7 (C:Program FilesJavajre7) <-----lokasi install buka folder jre7 -> jre -> bin
lu copas semua isi file dstu ke folder bin di luar jre buka folder jre7 -> jre -> libs
lu copas semua isi file dstu ke folder libs di luar jre
klo eror pas copy semua file buka task manager -> procesess -> cari di proses itu nma jqs.exe trz end proses

5.instal my sql 5.5 -> detailed configuration -> server -> isi user dengan root dan password 123456 (yg lain nya biarin default)
6.instal navicat klo ud buka trz klik new conenction trz isi pass:123456
7.instal database sql (masuk ke pb_database klik setup) tapi sebelum nya edit dlu "setup.bat" nya klik knan edit. liat dstu klo bawaan nya kn C:xamppMySQL inmysql.exe itu d rubah ke C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.5 inmysql.exe trz jgn lpa isi password
8.trz skrg k folder pb_auth -> configs -> database.ini (isi password nya 123456)
trz d file network.ini biarin gt aj ip nya
9. trz skrg k folder pb_game -> configs -> database.ini (isi pw nya 123456)
file network.ini biarin default (pakai ip komputer kamu juga bisa) dan (yang bagian [connection])
jalanin server nya (Start Server.cmd) di folder PBServerDBi3corev17.

trz di buka folder client pointblankPTS -> ke folder configs -> ada file lswi_en.sif gt kn itu lu edit pke pb config editor buat edit ip client rubah jd (kalau belum di rubah gan!)

lalu extract PB Launcher v1.4 klo ud taruh hasil extract d folder PointBlankPTS,,trz buka dan isi kek gini
username root
password 123456 LOGIN-->tinggal mainin pb nya
-pas jalanin game nya navicat,login/auth server dan game server jgn d close
-java n mysql klo ud ada di uninstall-->reinstall

video gameplaynya : Screenshot
 ( maaf ya bukan hasil screenshot sendiri, soalnya mau screenshot warnanya malah jadi item, mau pake software ga punya, mau download lambat, ya intinya game ini work deh :D )


Download Games Point Blank Offline New 2013

Download Games Point Blank Offline New 2013
buat cara pindah map :
use cmd map <number map> in AI.MODE room chat . then click start game
1 Port Akba
2 Squareindo
3 Library
4 manstation
5 kickpoint
6 Shopping Center
7 burning hall
8 d-squad
9 krackdown
10 saints manstion
11 estern road
12 Downtown
13 Luxiville
14 boom city
15 stormtube
16 Giran [NEW]
17 Breakeown
18 Training Camp
19 Sentry Base
20 Desert Camp [ Mini Indonesia ]
21 Kick Point
22 Martyr Ridge
23 Supply Base
24 SandStorm
25 Downtown
26 Luxville
27 Outpost
28 Boom City
29 Stormtube
30 Sentry Bse
31 Hospital
31 Hospital
32 Closure
33 Shopping Center
34 SandStorm
35 Breakdown
37 Giran [NEW]
38 Helispot
39 BlackCat
40 TheNest [ DINO]
41 Inasion
42 Dino Breakdown
44 Tutorial Mode [NEW]
45 Shopping Center
46 Safari
48 Machu Picchu
49 CargoShip
50 High Rise

cmd map <map number>
ya cukup sudah postingan mengenai Point Blank Offline [tested] yang puanjang banget, kalau ada pertanyaan atau masih bingung kunjungi aja langsung ke forum kaskus tempat dimana ane nemu game ini :D
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Selasa, 27 September 2016

Free Download Games Modern Combat 4 Zero Hour

Free Download Games Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour for Android | iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch

 Free Download Games Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour
The #1 FPS is back on smartphone with a new chapter to push the boundaries of mobile gaming even further. In the wake of a nuclear disaster, the only chance to avoid global devastation is in the hands of the few elite soldiers who must track down and rescue the world’s leaders from a frighteningly familiar terrorist group.

Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour
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Senin, 26 September 2016

Anti Virus AVG Free Edition

AVG Free Edition yang dikenal anti-virus protection tool. AVG Free tersedia gratis bagi siapa saja! Cepat pengiriman database virus update yang tersedia untuk masa produk, sehingga memberikan-tingginya tingkat kemampuan deteksi sehingga jutaan pengguna di seluruh dunia percaya untuk melindungi komputer mereka dengan AVG. AVG Free yang mudah digunakan dan tidak akan memperlambat sistem komputer anda.

Highlights antara lain:

* Otomatis memperbarui fungsi
* The AVG Resident Shield, yang memberikan perlindungan real-time sebagai file dibuka dan program yang dijalankan
* The AVG E-mail Scanner, yang melindungi e-mail Anda
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* Free Virus Database Updates untuk masa produk
* AVG Virus Vault aman untuk penanganan file yang terinfeksi

klik di bawah ini untuk mendapatkannya:

Download AVG AntiVirus dan AVG Internet Security 2012

Untuk Serial Number Interet Security 2011 :

Klik di bawah ini Untuk Update AVG AntiVirus

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Free Download Games God of War 2 PC Mediafire Link

Minimum System Requirements

Processor Speed: Pentium 4 2.0 Ghz
OS: Windows  Xp,Windows Vista,Windows 7
Memory RAM: 1 Gb for Windows Xp, 2 Gb  for Windows Vista or Windows 7
DirectX Version: DirectX 9
Videocard Memory: 256 MB or Higher
Harddisk Space: 2 GB for Harddisk Space
Mouse and Keyboard

New! Link
via MediaFire (291mb)
Download God of War 2 Full Version
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Block breaker deluxe

Block Breaker Deluxe-free-downloads-java-games-jar-176x220-240x320-mobile-phones -nokia-lg-sony-ericsson-free-downloads-schematic-mobile-phones -free-downloads-java-applications-for-mobile-phone-jar-platformJar games arcade puzzle game sort of interesting to invite you to think more, and block breaker deluxe jar of this format. Jar format, you can play on handphone java. Beat the game with your brilliance of mind, can be downloaded here with lcd screen sizes 176x220, 176x208 java customize to your mobile phone.  

Filetype:Block breaker
Filesize: -
Requirment: j2me or midp2

Download here

176 x 220 435.81 kb
176 x 208  160.9 kb
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Minggu, 25 September 2016

Sims 2 mobile

Maybe you want to add a collection jar rpg games, can download the game here for free. The name of the game is sims 2 mobile jar file format that can only be applied in your java cell phone. Everything was free, just like sim 3 mobile who can direct you downloaded here for free. rpg adventure games jar files, with support for lcd screen size of 176x220.

Filetype: Sims 2 mobile. zip
Filesize: 220.9kb
Platforms: Java (j2me) Jar

Download here

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Jumat, 23 September 2016

Free Download Games Star Battalion v3 1 6 Android

You’re an ace star pilot fighting against the militaristic Royalists who usurped your leader and spread fear across the galaxy. Venture to fantastic worlds & take on varied missions in an array of ships. Uncover a sordid tale of betrayal, ambition & hope as you mend a torn galaxy. Team up locally or online for co-op multiplayer via Wi-Fi & Bluetooth, or meet other ace pilots through the Game Center to take on the campaign together and compare scores. Compatible with the iPhone 4 gyroscope for 360° of immersion.
  • Discover a universe full of breathtaking planets & ominous spaceships all rendered in detailed HD.
  • Compatible with the Apple Game Center & the iPhone 4 gyroscope for 360° of immersion.
  • Challenge a variety of missions that will test your reflexes, instance and wits.
  • Choose from a wide selection of ships, from the versatile Wyvern to the strong & elegant Valkyrie.
  • Uncover a deep storyline full of memorable characters, epic conflicts and unexpected twists.
  • For the first time in a 3D iPhone game, play online or local co-op multiplayer via Wi-Fi & Bluetooth.
Install apk file and use wifi to download the remaining data folder.

480x852 + Xperia Play:

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Free Download Android Games >> Star Battalion v3.1.6 480X852 Version

Free Download Android Games >> Star Battalion v3.1.6 480X800 Version

Free Download Android Games >> Star Battalion v3.1.6 320X480 Version
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Menentukan Unsur Unsur Intrinsik dan Ekstrinsik Sastra Melayu atau Hikayat

Contoh Potongan Hikayat :

Hatta beberapa lamanya sampai umur sabdalah itu dua belas tahun, maka oleh Khojah Astor diserahkannya mengaji pada seorang mualim. Adapun akan Sadalab itu terlalu sangat takabur hatinya, lagi perangainya pun terlalu amat jahat. Dengan beberapa tipu daya mualim itu mengajar dia, tidak juga ia mnurut kata gurunya itu. sebermula maka datanglah pada suatu hari, Sadalab pun berkelahi dengan seorang budak temannya yang bersama mengaji itu. Maka dipukul oleh Sadalab kepada budak itu dengan loh nya ( meja kecil), pecah kepala budak itu, berhamburan darahnya.
Setelah dilihat oleh Khojah Astor orang itu datang membawa anaknya, maka ia pun segeralah turun mendapatkan bapak budak itu dengan takzimnya. Maka oleh Khojah Astor serta dipeluknya leher bapak budak itu , seraya katanya "Hai saudaraku! Terlalu sekali takjub perbuatan hamba ini, Melainkan maaflah Tuan hamba. Bahwa yang kesalahan anak hamba dan dalam hati hamba, yang anak tuan hamba itu seperti anaklah kepada hamba."
Maka tatkala Khojah Astor berkata - kata itu, sangat merendahkan hatinya hati orang itu, maka marahnya pun hilanglah. kepada hatinya kasihan melihat laku khojah astor itu, .....
(Hikayat Bayan Budiman )

Pembahasan :
Isi cerita dalam kutipan Hikayat tersebut adalah anak Khojah Astor bernama Sadalab berkelahi dengan temannya dan khojah Astor meminta maaf kepada orang tua anak itu dan mengakui bahwa Sadalablah yang bersalah ( pernyataan dalam paragraf terakhir).
Amanat dari kutipan hikayat tersebut adalah Kita harus saling memaafkan, Meminta maaf jika kita merasa bersalah, dan memaafkan jika ada orang yang meminta maaf kepada kita.
Karakteristik sastra Melayu Klasik yang tampak pada kutipan hikayat tersebut adalah penggunaan bahasa Melayu seperti Hatta, sebermula, takzim dan hamba.

sekian postingan kali ini, semoga bermanfaat.
Bagi sobat yang ingin mengetahui lebih lanjus tentang Sastra Melayu atau Hikayat bisa klik Di sini
sedangkan sobat yang ingin melihat contoh presentasi dengan Powerpointnya bisa Di Download Disini

jangan lupa like fanspage kami di Facebook. terimakasih.

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Free Download Game PC Power Rangers Super Legends

Siapa yang gak kenal dengan lima orang yang bisa berubah menjadi super hero dan biasanya mempunyai seragam yang berbeda warna ( warna - warni ). yap, siapa lagi kalo bukan power rangers. sudah gak usah di ragukan lagi bahkan mungkin para gamer semua lebih hafal seluk beluk dari power rangers ini. namun kali ini yang saya akan share adalah sebuah game yang di dasari dari power ranger tersebut, dalam game ini kita kan merasakan jadi power rangers dan melawan musuh musuh untuk menyelamatkan dunia, memecahkan puzzles. tertarik? langsung saja download game nya.

Power Rangers Pc System Requirements:

  • Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2
  • Pentium™ 4 class, 1.4GHZ or AMD XP 2200+ Sempron processor, 1.2 GHz
  • 256MB RAM
  • 3.0 GB hard drive space
  • 16-bit DirectX 9-compatible sound card
  • 16X speed DVD-ROM drive
  • DirectX 9.0c or +

 PART 1 ( 100 Mb )
PART 2 ( 100 Mb )
PART 3 ( 64 Mb  )

sekian postingan kali ini, semoga bermanfaat. Jangan lupa untuk like fanspage kami di facebook. terimakasih.
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Kamis, 22 September 2016

Download Pc Games Hitman Sniper Challenge FULL VERSION Direct Link


Hitman: Sniper Challenge is a stand alone sub game of Hitman: Absolution, which is exclusive to copies pre-ordered from GameStop or Steam, and it also comes with the standard retail copy of Hitman HD Trilogy. It was announced on May 10th, 2012, after a teaser image was released on May 3rd. It was released for Xbox 360 and PS3 on May 15th, with the PC version being released on Steam on August 1. 
SOURCE: wikia 

Minimum System Requirements 

Operating System: Windows Vista/7 
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ 
Memory: 2 Gb Hard Drive: 1.6 Gb free 
Video Memory: 512 Mb 
Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 3850 
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible 
DirectX: 10 
Keyboard Mouse

Download Link (1.1 Gb)
Download Hitman Sniper Challenge (FULL VERSION) 
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Rabu, 21 September 2016

Super moto extreme

Super moto extreme, game jar, multiplayer jar, multiplayer java game, Free download, free java, free game, download java, download game, download jar, download, java game, java jar, java software, game mobile, game phone, games jar, game, mobile phone, mobile jar, mobile software, mobile, phone jar, phone software, phones, jar platform, jar software, software, platform software, download java game, download platform java game, jar mobile phone, jar phone mobile, jar software platform platformJar game motor racing, Motor cross exactly. Jar game was exciting to play for you who like to motor cross, because the path is slippery and very challenging indeed. Download game with lcd screen sizes 176x220, 240x320.   

Filetype: Super moto
Filesize: -
Requirment: j2me or midp2

Download here:

176 x 220 301.39 kb
240 x 320 474.91 kb
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    Selasa, 20 September 2016

    Dino crisis 3d

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    Jar game shooting large and dangerous game, which is a rare and dangerous animals to hunt is a dinosaur. jenid variety of dinosaurs can be found in this shooting game jar. With a rifle that is served, players must shoot down all the dinosaurs that came with a sudden in front of the n. display will make this game more exciting shoot 3d jar and suspenseful, Download game jar arcade shoot here for free. 

    Filename: Dino crisis 3d. jar
    File size: 216 kb
    Platforms: Java (j2me)

    Download here :  

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    Block runner

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    Filetype: Block runner. zip
    Filesize: 182.75 KB
    Platforms: Java (J2ME)
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    Senin, 19 September 2016


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    Filetype: Abracadaball. zip
    Filesize: 565 KB
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    Need for Speed The Run The Race of Your Life

    It’s called The Run. An illicit, high-stakes race across the country. The only way to get your life back is to be the first from San Francisco to New York.

    No speed limits. No rules. No allies. All you have are your driving skills and sheer determination as you battle hundreds of the world’s most notorious drivers on the country’s most dangerous roads.

    In Need for Speed The Run, you’ll weave through dense urban centers, rocket down icy mountain passes and navigate narrow canyons at breakneck speeds, all the while evading a relentless police force prepared – and willing – to use lethal force to take you down.

    • From the Golden Gate to the Empire State — Compete in The Run, an illicit race across the most iconic and treacherous roads from San Francisco to New York. There are no rules and no allies in the cities, deserts, mountains and canyons than stand between you and the finish line.

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    • Racing Powered by Frostbite 2 — The powerful new Frostbite 2 engine, created by the award-winning DICE studio, advances technical achievements to deliver a gameplay experience with an unprecedented level of visual detail, environmental immersion, and emotional impact.

    • Compete in High Octane Multi-Player Racing — The most accessible online racing experience ever offered. With matchmaking technology, join races already in progress instead of waiting in lobbies. Create a party with friends, pick a playlist of your favorite challenges and compete for supremacy across every stage of The Run. By mastering all of the playlists you can level up and earn access to exclusive vehicles, upgrades and abilities.

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