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Minggu, 31 Juli 2016


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Skiing in the snow, a game that might jar arcade wax can you try the game by downloading the game here for free. Jar games arcade Wax supports the jar file with 176x220 lcd screen size that direct can be applied in your java mobile phone and can play wherever you are as a friend to your loneliness.

Filetype: Wax. zip
Filesize: 103.64 kb
Platforms: Java (j2me) jar

Download here

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Tetris evolution

Jar is the famous arcade game with a game of stacking blocks, which initially only be in play in the game-watch that is tetris. Now bringing games jar java games arcade puzzle game tetris evolution as for the play in the mobile java because it has a jar file. New games this jar here with various options for your mobile phone types, one the size of the lcd screen.  

Filename: Tetris evolution. jar
File size: -
Platforms: Java (j2me)

Download here :
  • 240x320  SE M600i(523kb)   SE C905(506kb)   Nok N95(534kb)  Nok 6280(488kb)  Nok 6700c(471kb)
  • 176x220  SE W302(407kb)
  • 128x160  SE K500(400kb)  Nok 5200(384kb)
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  • 320x240  Nok E71(489kb)
  • 352x416  Nok N80(406kb) Nok 5800(501kb)
  • 208x208 Nok 6230i(265kb)
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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2016

Free Download Subway Surfers Unlimited Keys Coins and Characters

Saat ini pengguna Smartphone semakin bertambah setiap harinya, termasuk soba pastinya termasuk pengguna Smartphone juga kan?
Selain sosial media nya yang makin beragam dan makin lengkap, smartphone juga dilengkapi dengan game yang unik. pokoknya ampuh buat mengusir kejenuhan. pastinya juga sudah gak asing dengan game yang akan saya share kali ini, yaitu  Subway Surfers. Game ini memang dapat di unduh secara gratis di playstore. namun yang saya share ini berbeda. karena sudah dimodifikasi sedemikian rupa, sehingga mendapat unlimited keys, coin dan semua karakter sudah terbuka.

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Jumat, 29 Juli 2016

Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 PC Full Version

Download Pro Evolution Soccer  2015 PC Full Version
 Download Pro Evolution Soccer  2015 PC Full Version - Halo gan, kali ini saya akan membagikan game PES 2015 PC Full Version yang bisa kalian download secara gratis. Pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan game sepak bola terpopuler ini kan. Game ini sendiri telah dirilis beberapa waktu lalu sehingga kalian masih belum ketinggalan. Berbagai macam penyempurnaan telah dilakukan di PES 2015 ini.

 Mungkin banyak yang kurang suka dengan PES 2014 dengan alasan ini itu. Nah kini KONAMI memberikan penambahan kualitas yang lebih baik dari seri sebelumnya di PES 2015 ini. PES memang merupakan game sepak bola berkualitas tinggi dan memiliki banyak penggemar. Nah ganti PES lama kalian ke PES terbaru 2015 dan telah update pemain 2014-2015 ini. Selamat menikmati.

Spesifikasi Minimal:
  • Intel Core 2 Duo E400 1.8 GHz / AMD Athlon II X2 240
  • Win Vista
  • Nividia GeForce 7800 GT / Radeon X1300 XT
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Direct DX9
  • 8 HDD Space
Download Pro Evolution Soccer  2015 PC

Download PES 2015
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Top 10 Turn Based Strategy Games on PC

Turn-based strategy is a computer and video game genre of strategy video games that through stop-action simulates the considerations and circumstances of operational warfare and military tactics in generally small-scale confrontations as opposed to more strategic considerations of turn-based strategy (TBS) games. 

Turn-based tactical gameplay is characterized by the expectation of players to complete their tasks using only the combat forces provided to them, and usually by the provision of a realistic (or at least believable) representation of military tactics and operations.

Turn-based strategy games have often been dismissed by somewhat closed-minded fans of real-time strategy games as being too slow, arduous and boring. On the contrary, turn-based games can be even more suspenseful than their real-time counterparts. To put it simply, when you know that youre going to die in 10 turns unless you pull off some feat of skill, youre going to do everything you can to change the outcome. Sounds pretty exciting to me.

10. Total War: Shogun 2 - Rise of the Samurai

Shogun 2s blend of turn-based strategy and real-time tactics gameplay is a staple of the Total War series. The player plays the role of both the clan leader and general, alternating between the campaign, where the player manages his land and armies turn by turn, and the battles, where the player takes control of the army on the battlefield in real-time.

In the campaign, the player needs to oversee the development of settlements, military production, economic growth, and technological advancement. The armies and units are organised and moved around the stylised campaign map by the player to carry out battles with other factions. In addition to fighting, the player is able to engage in diplomacy, political manoeuvring and the use of special agents to gain the upper hand. Ninja and geisha are also present in the game as assassins and spies. While religion isnt as relevant as it was in Medieval II: Total War, it cant be neglected by the player. Greater interaction with the European foreigners (Nanban traders), for example, to enhance trade and acquire firearms, exposes the clan to Christianity, which will seriously increase religious unrest in the provinces. Religious agents, such as monks and priests can be used to convert the enemy population.
xcom ufo defence
X-Com: UFO Defense isnt one of the earliest turn-based strategy games, but its certainly one of the best. As aliens from Mars invade the earth, an international task force called X-Com is formed to counter the threat with funding from the worlds various governments. As leader of X-Com, you have to invest in bases to recruit and train military personnel, purchase and manufacture equipment, and research material collected from the field to improve your odds against the xenos. 
While the game allows you to manage your bases, the games meat and bones are in the combat missions. As time progresses, the aliens carry out sporadic terrorist attacks on civilian populations and it becomes your job to send out a team to deal with them. In the field, youre in control of an entire squad of operatives. The game is notable for its high tension missions, where your soldiers go up against forces unknown who can attack you from out of sight. Careful planning, reconnaissance and proper use of your soldiers goes a long way to ensuring success.
master of magic
Master of Magic looks like the child of Civilization and Lord of the Rings. But its more than just Fantasy Civilization. Released in 1995 and created by the now defunct Simtex, Master of Magic was the first game of its kind to feature both empire building and a tactical turn-based battles. 
As an archmage vying for dominion over the land against other powerful wizards, you had to first choose a patron race, which provided you with a myriad of bonuses, penalties and special abilities. One of the races even began in the mirror world of Myrran, which was a reflection of the real world, replete with its own set of heroes, cities, resources and dungeons. You had to also choose spellbooks, which allowed you to cast a variety of spells based on the schools of magic that you picked. 
While much of the game consists of building up your empire, the turn-based battles are just as much a part of the Master of Magic experience. You can recruit heroes who approach you seeking service in exchange for payment and use them to lead your armies to conquest. Battles are played out in an isometric map similar to Final Fantasy Tactics and your actions determine your victory or failure. 
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Free Download PC Game Bee Garden Full Version

Halo sobat gamer semua, postingan kali ini saya akan share sebuah game ringan bergenre strategi. Nama Game nya Bee Garden. Sudah pada tahu kan? Kalau belum tahu, jadi dalam game ini kita akan memainkan karakter lebah yang harus membuat madu yang enak, dan selain itu kita harus menemukan ratu Lebah. Selain itu dari sisi grafis dan animasi yang juga keren, so pantas banget buat dijadikan koleksi. tertarik? langsung saja Download gamenya.

Windows 95/98/XP/ME/Vista/7;
Processor 800 Mhz or better;
RAM: minimum 1024Mb;
DirectX 9.0 or higher;
DirectX compatible sound board;


sekian postingan kali ini, semoga bermanfaat. jangan lupa untuk like fanspage kami di facebook. terimakasih.
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Kamis, 28 Juli 2016

Tutorial Kompres CSS Javascript Dan HTML Agar Blog Seo Friendly

Teknik Seo Kompres HTML,CSS Dan Javascript
Kompres CSS,Javascript,dan HTML

IGM | Pada kesempatan ini saya akan memberikan informasi Cara mengkompres CSS, Javascript, Dan HTML blog kalian dengan Tutorial yang Terperinci dan mudah dipahami. Kenapa kita harus Kompres blog kita ? Jawabannya sederhana, yaitu agar blog anda ringan dari sebelumnya. selain itu google juga menyukai blog yang ringan oleh karena itu hal ini sangat penting untuk dilakukan. mungkin sebagian orang sudah pernah mengkompres blog mereka tapi hasilnya kurang memuaskan itu bisa dipengaruhi oleh website penyedia tool kompres CSS, HTML, dan Javascript berkualitas buruk. atau kalian kurang mengerti dengan cara kerja tool tersebut. Baiklah jika itu masalah kalian mari kita atasi secara seksama. Pelajari dan Lakukan Step By Step cara yang saya berikan di bawah ini :

1. Kalian login dulu ke Blog kalian
2. Cari Template >> edit HTML
3. Sebelum kalian Mengkompres Blog kalian alangkah baiknya jika kalian Backup template kalian agar menghindari kesalahan.
4. Centang "Expand Template Widget" 
5. Jika sudah kalian tinggal menyimak caranya di bawah ini :

Cara Kompres CSS

Agar tidak terjadi kesalahan, maka anda harus mengetahui Kode CSS yang akan di Kompres yaitu dari <b:skin><![CDATA[/* Copas Code dari sini sampai disini ]]></b:skin> untuk mencari kode yang berwarna merah kalian tinggal tekan Ctrl + F dan ketik kode berwarna merah di atas jika sudah ketemu Copy semua kode diantara kode warna merah di atas. Jika belum jelas lihat contoh :

<b:skin><![CDATA[/*Copy dari sini <Variable name="bgcolor"description="Page Background Color" type="color"default="#fff" value="#ffffff">....... dan seterusnya sampai disini ]]></b:skin>

Copy/Cut Kode yang berwarna biru seperti di atas dan kunjungi website penyedia layanan Kompres Kode CSS yang sudah terbukti keakuratannya karena yang mengelola adalah yahoo sendiri. banyak situs penyedia layanan seperti ini, tapi menurut saya ini yang terakurat dalam hal mengkompres suatu blog. Langsung saja kunjungi Online YUI Compressor

Jika Website sudah terbuka langsung saja pastekan Kode yang kalian Copy tadi di menu "Code" lalu kalian ikuti langkah berikut :

1.) Pada bagian "File Type" pilih CSS (ini berlaku juga pada kode javascript karena jika kalian memilih "JS" memungkinkan akan terjadi error)
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6.) Klik Compress

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Cara kompres Javascript caranya sama dengan Cara Kompres CSS diatas. kali ini yang harus anda kompres berada di antara kode <head> dan </head>

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Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

Free Download Games Immortals

Embody Theseus in Immortals, the official movie game, as he leads the fight against the ruthless King Hyperion and his evil Heraklion army with the fate of mankind and the Gods at stake. Battle against the Titans, the Minotaur and other mythological creatures in 7 different levels.
The official game of highly anticipated action movie, Immortals.
Deep combat for epic battles with a wide range of attacks, combos, allies, magic and tactics.
An intense adventure following the movie. Overcome Titans, mythic beasts & King Hyperion himself!
Journey across 8 levels, each with unique environments and challenges, all the way to Tartaros.
Discover parchments containing actual Greek myths chronicling Theseus’s heroic story.

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CCleaner merupakan software untuk optimasi sistem Windows agar berjalan lebih baik. Software ini merupakan tools yang akan menghapus file yang tak terpakai dari sistem anda, memungkinkan windows untuk berjalan lebih cepat dan membebaskan ruang harddisk yang berantakan. Software ini juga membersihkan jejak (traces) aktivitas saat browsing di Internet.  Selain itu, memiliki fitur lengkap registry cleaner.  Tapi yang terbaik adalah bahwa program ini melakukan semuanya dengan sangat cepat (hanya beberapa detik untuk bekerja) dan sama sekali bebas dari iklan yang biasanya terdapat pada program gratisan.

Jika anda tertarik untuk memiliki software ini, langsung download saja di link berikut :

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Selasa, 26 Juli 2016

Free Download PC Game Yu Gi Oh ! The Final Duel

Baiklah, postingan kali ini saya akan share sebuah game yang merupakan adaptasi dari sebuah kartun manga yang mempunyai judul yang sama yaitu Yu - Gi - Oh ! pasti sudah pada tahu kan. tertarik ? langsung saja Download Game nya.

sistem yang dianjurkan
Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Processor Pentium 4,  2.5 Ghz or Higher
RAM: minimum 512 MB
DirectX 9.0 or higher
1.1 Gb Free HD Space
64 bit 128 Mb Ram VGA


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Adventures of a gang in the big city of disturbing many people, fun to be played. With a variety of characters will be found here, jar game grand theft auto IV adventurer who can should you try the action on your mobile java resolution at 240x320 lcd screen size that may be supported on your java phone. Download the game here with the free and the jar file is only for java based mobile phone with lcd screen size 240x320, not 176x220  pixel lcd screen size. Use your idea to overcome obstacles and towards the next session with a different obstacle. 

Filetype: Grand theft auto IV . zip
Filesize: 1.46 MB
Platforms: Java (j2me) jar

Download here

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Senin, 25 Juli 2016


Satu lagi PC Game yang kita tunggu" kehadirannya yaitu FIFA 2012. Resmi di rilis pada tanggal 1 oktober 2011 FIFA 2012 ini akan menjadi lawan terberat dari Pro Evulution Soccer 2012, karena dilengkapi dengan Impact Engine. Apa itu impact Engine ? Impact Engine merupakan physics effect yang membuat suasana FIFA makin real, rasakan sensasi bermain FIFA 12 layaknya menonton tv ditambah dengan tactical defensive system, yaitu suatu sistem dimana AI/COM bisa lebih cerdas dan bisa membaca situasi serta true injury, membuat FIFA 12 layak untuk masuk dalam list yang anda harus punya.

FIFA 12 PC System Requirements :

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66GHz or AMD Athlon II X2 245e
OS: Windows XP, Vista, Win7
CPU: 2.4 GHZ single core
Sound Card: DirectX 9, 10, 11 compatible
Graphics: NVidia GeForce 6800 or ATI Radeon X1600 at least, GeForce GTS 240 and Radeon HD 3870 recommended
Hardware: Mouse and Keyboard
Network: Internet connection for online mode
Hard Drive: 6 GB to 12 GB

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Era of eidolon sterling lake

Java games, free downloads jar  games, jar game download, jar game

Filename: Era of eidolon: sterling lake. jar
File size: 141 kb
Platforms: Java (j2me)

Download here :  

240×320/ 176x220
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Sabtu, 23 Juli 2016

Devil my cry 3d

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Filetype: devil my cry 3d. zip
Filesize: -
Requirment: j2me or midp2

Download here:

176 x 220 
240 x 320 
352 x 416
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Kamis, 21 Juli 2016

Download Gratis Battlefield 2 PC Full Version

Download Gratis Battlefield 2 PC Full Version
 Download Gratis Battlefield 2 PC Full Version - Battlefield 2 merupakan sebuah game FPS yang mengangkat tema tentang peperangan. Banyak senjata yang bisa digunakan. Grafis sangat bagus dan penuh dengan suasana perang yang mencekam. Game bisa dimainakan sendiri ataupun bersama-sama melalui jaringan intenet atau area lokal. Banyak mode yang bisa dipilih dengan 3 tingkat kesulitan.

 Jika kalian mencari game FPS yang bagus dan tidak membutuhkan spesifikasi PC yang tinggi, Battlefield 2 adalah jawabannya. Memang banyak sekali game FPS yang bagus tapi game ini beda dari yang lainya, alur jelas, senjata banyak, fitur menawan dan yang lainnya. Kalian bisa memilih tingkat kesulitan sesuai kemampuan kalian.

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Minimum spek:
  • OS: Windows XP / 7 / Vista
  • CPU: Pentium 4 1.7 GHz
  • RAM 512 MB
  • Video Memory: 128 MB
  • Hard Disck: 3.7 GB
Download Gratis Battlefield 2 PC

Download Gratis Battlefield 2

Download Battlefield 2

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Human wanderers wolves in search of his true identity is to require him to face barriers, even until she was willing to shed blood for the purpose. the wolfman jar adventure games you can download here with the jar files, can only be played on cell phones in Java.

Filetype: The wolfman. zip
Filesize: -
Platforms: Java (j2me)

Download here

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